Philosophy (briefly)
My first go at teaching was in 2013, as a first-year master's student. Since then, I have dedicated myself to improving my skills as an instructor and communicator. As a teacher, my priority is to train students to think critically to solve a problem. Lecturing can sometimes veer into "info-dumping", so I make a point of identifying my students' own learning priorities and making explicit connections between lecture material and their interests. This empowers students to feel a sense of ownership over scietific knowledge and creates a space where their own interests are valued. For a copy of my full teaching statement, please feel free to reach out!
Instructor of Record
Colorado College, BE107 Biology of Microbes | Block 4
Colorado College, BE208 Ecology | Block 2
Harvey Mudd College, BIOL185F: Developmental Biology / Special Topics in Biology | Spring semester
Harvey Mudd College, BIOL 023: Biology Laboratory | Spring semester
Harvey Mudd College, BIOL 023: Biology Laboratory | Fall semester
Harvey Mudd College, BIOL 111: Cell & molecular biology laboratory | Fall semester
University of California-Riverside, CBNS 108: Introduction to developmental biology | Summer session
University of California-Riverside, MCBL/BIOL 121: Introductory Microbiology | Spring quarter
University of California-Riverside, CBNS 108: Introduction to developmental biology | Summer session
Teaching Assistant
University of California-Riverside, CBNS 108: Introduction to developmental biology | Spring quarter
University of California-Riverside, BIOL 002: Cellular basis of life (lab) | Fall quarter
University of California-Riverside, BIOL 05b: Organismal biology (lab) | Spring quarter
University of California-Riverside, BIOL 05b: Organismal biology (lab) | Fall quarter
University of California-Riverside, BIOL 05b: Organismal biology (lab) | Fall quarter
University of Denver, BIOL 1021: Evolution, heredity, and biodiversity (lab) | Spring quarter
University of Denver, BIOL 1020: Physiological systems (lab) | Winter quarter
University of Denver, BIOL 2121: Cell structure and function (lab) | Fall quarter
University of Denver, BIOL 1222: Molecules to humankind III (lab) | Spring quarter
University of Denver, BIOL 1221: Molecules to humankind II (lab) | Winter quarter
University of Denver, BIOL 1220: Molecules to humankind I (lab) | Fall quarter